Hearts & Flowers….

Image result for cartoons about valentine's dayBeing a closet romantic – we’re talking deep inside the closet, behind the coats and old sweatshirts – I am normally alone on the big V-day. No flowers, no candy, no sweet nothing cards; even in a relationship. Which indicates the type of men I attract and why I am currently single and have been for many, many years.

My daughter-in-law has commented, more than once, that I don’t trust anybody. That means finding a partner, a companion, a buddy, or a pal, has been just a Image result for cartoons about valentine's daybit difficult. I don’t trust men that are too romantic, it always seems contrived. And I am not comfortable with any man who states he loves long walks in the sunset – on the beach of course. My first thought, “Oh, please. Give me a break!” What man actually does that? Unless it’s an evening of night fishing, that ain’t gonna happen. The wind Image result for cartoons about walking on the beachwon’t be gently blowing our hair as we run to each other, arms outstretched. If that should ever happen, we would fall down, arms and legs tangled….hoping we don’t break something or each other in the process. Any “Oh, God’s”, would be from pain.

But, ever the optimist, I still keep plugging away. We won’t mention that I paid in advance, so am trapped until the subscription runs out. Image result for cartoons about valentine's day


Author: Globug

An old, cranky, & (surprise, surprise), single, Christian woman living in Cordova TN. Old enough to know better....but at my age, who cares?

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