A Rebuttal…

After reading the post I shared below, I commented the following:


One of our Military Heroes

While I respect your right to your humor (after all, it’s the brave men and women who have laid down their lives so that you have the freedom to express your opinions), our Military has been so weakened that I glad to see at least a bit of respect for our Military restored by President Trump. I have one son who is career military and has spent over 13 years off and on in Afghanistan with the 82nd Airborne. My grandson is now in the Navy and has expectations of making this his career also. Obama and the Democrats have so demoralized the men and women who serve, I am surprised that any still choose to lay their lives on the line for our country.


It’s so easy to make fun of everything and anything Trump does, but the truth of the matter is that there are now more jobs, increases in wages and bonuses, unemployment is down, and he has started to do something about the illegals that are sapping our resources. The investigations into the Russian connection have been shown to be false and are based on lies from Obama, DNC, and the Clintons, and has been shown to be lies paid for by the Clintons.

President Trump faces more crap every single day than any President in history and the clearly biased media is happy to show him in the worst light they can – be it true or not. The latest is the video showing that he is nearly bald.. Can you imagine having one of your faults, one that you are self-conscious about, exposed to the world and made fun of? It is the height of cruelty and I for one am ashamed that America has sunk so low as to encourage this type of disrespect to go viral.


Related imageTrump is our President – our UNPAID President. He deserves a least an ounce of respect.



I can see it all. Agent Orange will dress as a military general with lots of fruit on his shoulders when they hold his big parade. I’m seeing Sterling Hayden and George C. Scott (“Dr. Strangelove”) in this scenario. Imagine, if you will, the wonderful, amazing “coming attractions” they could produce for this bigly event! […]


A Little Pampering….

This afternoon I am going with my daughter-in-law to have my nails and feet done. Being unable to get to my feet in months, they sure could use the care.

IImage result for cartoons about podiatrists was referred to a Podiatrist some months ago by my PC Doctor. He did take care of my ingrown toenails, but did not clip the rest of my nails or take the calluses off my feet. And I did ask about those things. He did however, decide I needed injections between each toe. Childbirth was a cakewalk in comparison and I left his office, nauseated and in tears from the pain. There isn’t enough money in the world that would make me go back.

My daughter-in-law Daina, suggested that I get a pedicure where she goes. When I explained how embarrassed I’d be to have anyone see my feet, she poo-poo’d me and told me that theyImage result for cartoons about pedicures were very comfortable taking care of people’s feet – people just like me. It didn’t take a whole lot of convincing. So, off we go this afternoon…whoo hoo and money be damned! Of course, they will have to help me get my shoes and socks off and on….



UImage result for cartoons about stalkersnfortunately, I seem to attract stalkers…sigh. First Indiana, now this.

There is a gentleman (and I use the term loosely), that has written me more than 30 times and I am immediately pounced upon when I check my site on Our Time. ARG! You can turn off chat, but it doesn’t stay off, so each time you login, you must turn if off again. And there he is, waiting.Image result for cartoons about stalkers

I am not a rude woman and it distresses me that I am being forced into rudeness. You would think that my not answering his countless messages would give the hint that I will not be pushed into continuing to respond. My last response made it clear I was .finished chatting with him (at that time he had sent 10 or 15 flirts and a couple of one liners), and that his declaring he wasn’t finished talking yet made no difference – I was.

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It has been several days since our last conversation, which consisted of a few one line questions and countless flirts. A man who can’t hold a reasonable conversation holds no interest for me. Even if he types badly, I can usually understand what he is trying to say. Effort counts for a great deal with me.

I’m paid up for 5 more months… 5 more months that my money will go to waste if I can’t use the site. My cheapness will not allow me to delete my profile…my distaste may end up outweighing my cheap little heart.

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The Shivers, Barking…..And Why People Dislike Christians

Sadly, the temps have dropped again and the backyard is once again covered in puddles of muddy water, Yuck. But, I heard from a friend that this was a temporary setback and it would be warming soon. If it would dry up just a bit along with it, I would be so happy to NOT having to mop muddy paw prints for a few days. lol

Image result for cartoons about christian jerksJack has become accustomed to the anti-bark box and was terrible earlier. He is now locked in my room, along with me, and we’re having serious discussions about being QUIET! He’s not so happy, but is being forced to control himself. I expect this to last just a few days – please Lord – and he will trained as well as he has been about the fence and bothering neighbor’s BIG dogs.


There was a post by some idiot (I know, not very nice, but it’s hard to be nice when your Image result for cartoons about christian jerkshead has exploded), telling people they could be Gay or they could be a Christian, but they couldn’t be a Gay Christian. My head exploded. (And we wonder why people don’t like Christians.) How dare someone take a verse of scripture out of context and tell people that they can’t be a Christian because they are gay. That is totally warped view of Christianity!

The yahoo defended his viewpoint by quoting the following scripture:

“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)..Image result for cartoons about legalist christians

There is a tendency to declare homosexuality as the worst of all sins. While it is undeniable, biblically speaking, that homosexuality is immoral and unnatural (Romans 1:26-27), in no sense does the Bible describe homosexuality as an unforgivable sin. Nor does the Bible teach that homosexuality is a sin Christians will never struggle against.

The Bible is clear that no Christian is sinless (1 John 1:8,10). While the specific sin / temptation varies from one Christian to another, all Christians have struggles with sin, and all Christians sometimes fail in those struggles (1 Corinthians 10:13).Image result for cartoons about legalist christians

First Corinthians 6:9-10  lists sins that, if indulged in continuously, identify a person as not being redeemed—not being a Christian. Often, homosexuality is singled out from this list. If a person struggles with homosexual temptations, that person is presumed to be unsaved. If a person actually engages in homosexual acts, that person is definitely thought to be unsaved. However, the same assumptions are not made  regarding other sins in the list: fornication (premarital sex), idolatry, adultery, thievery, covetousness, alcoholism, slander, and deceit. It is inconsistent, for example, to declare those guilty of pre-marital sex as “disobedient Christians,” while declaring homosexuals definitively non-Christians.

Image result for cartoons about legalist christiansWe Christians are viewed as intolerant, bigoted jerks because of people like this who live to spread hate…and nothing could be farther from the truth!

John 3:16-17

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. 
That says it all. That is the Gospel. Shame on those who try to twist it; they will be judged by the Father.
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Dating….Oy Vey!

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It is my fault..and I know it’s my fault. Like the commercials for EHarmony state, you must spend time getting to know your matches. Fifteen minutes is about all the time I’m willing to spend, and that includes my short thank you’s for writing, but no thanks for whatever reason there happens to be. A big reason I decline are the ones from the men living 2,000 miles away. Dating should be reasonably easy, don’t you think?

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And the inane flirts…I loathe them.  Either you are not educated enough to write a short note or there are women out there that fall for that crapola and you don’t feel the need to exert yourself. There has been more than enough crapola floating by in my life and I don’t have the patience for any more.

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Recently, I was chatting with a nice man who was Jewish. Jesus is Jewish and I am rather fond of him. But, after a few conversations, it became clear that it would forever be a bone of contention between us, so I bowed out of that one.

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Honestly, if I wasn’t such a cheap woman, I’d take my profile down. But, paying six months in advance is enough to keep me there…

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Perhaps I wasn’t as lonely as I thought. Or I’m just an old, cranky, tired of putting up .with BS, kinda woman. And the man who sends me 25 flirts in a row and a couple of one line notes can’t understand why I now refuse to answer…

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So, I am off to spend another 15 minute chunk of my life….
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This, That & The Truth About Relationships…

Dr. Din is a fabulous doctor who takes care of my kidneys and blood pressure issues. Résultat de recherche d'imagesAnd I am crazy about his nurse who is the sweetest woman alive. The only problem is that they are a team of two. His nurse takes care of absolutely everything, by herself. Needless to say, not only are they extremely busy, but getting the nurse on the phone is almost impossible. Yes, she also is in charge of answering the phone, calling in prescriptions, making appointments, updating files, setting up tests, and getting the patients ready to see Dr. Din by taking weight, BP, & temp. How she does it all – with a smile – I just don’t know.Saw I just drove past you  at chick fila! You weren't looking though, you were looking at your phone  saw your text, it may  be true, but I hope not  I love you, again, it was absolutely incredible to see you tonight gorgeous


If there is a problem, such as medication not getting called in (In my case, to the right pharmacy – mine closed, I am having to use Walmart now, so I don’t know which Walgreens she may have used.), it’s probably not going to get taken care of for several weeks. Thank goodness, my PC Physician has a list of medications and in an emergency, will call in a month’s supply. Which they just did again for me. Now it’s off to Walmart to pick them up. Lucky I have a great team in place.


SunImage result for cartoons about beautiful weather‘s out, clouds swept away, cold but tolerable…I can almost smell spring arriving! Furfaces and I have been sneaking out almost continuously between chores and big mugs of coffee. Seed distributed to my little feathered friends. Squirrels are watching for a chance to grab a few sunflower seeds, lol




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Finished Chapter 2 of Lord Change Me and I was right – this is going to be a tough book to get through, but I am determined. God has been changing me for months, but I’d like to be of more help in the process…time to stop beating my head against that wall!

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Listen Up Ladies & Gentlemen….

RImage result for selfish youth cartoonselationships require commitment to one another; whether friendship or love. When one person neglects this, it is pointless to continue. No amount of trying to persuade one to give to the relationship will work and will only result in frustration for the one seeking it.

Neglect clearly reflects the importance a person gives to a relationship. So many people get hurt, get their heart broken, because they can not seem to understand that you can’t make a person feel what they don’t feel, or force them to give to a relationship that has great importance to you, but has no valuable to them. It is always best to lick your wounds and move on.

SaImage result for selfish youth cartoonsdly, many young women  refuse to believe that the person they love will never love them back. They believe there is some magic word, some magic look, or the willingness to give themselves sexually (even if it demeans them), that will make their love interest suddenly love them back. If there is a 3rd party involved, they believe that if they can only get rid of that person, then they can have the desire of their hearts.

This is caused in great part because our society has told young women that their onlyImage result for cartoons about being beautiful worth is how they look and how quickly they will give themselves to some selfish young man who promises love – but only until his needs are met. Then it’s ” Too bad so sad, honey. ”  Catch you later.

In music, TV shows, commercials, magazines, and in movies, women are portrayed as perfect, with a certain look, wearing the right clothes, shoes, and makeup. There is no individuality, and being different is a sin. Of course, young men  are all too happy to use this lie to their advantage. To many, women are nothing more than pieces of meat existing only to satisfy their wants and needs. The music they listen to encourages this type of behavior calling girls, ho’s, bitches, and worse. And these deluded women believe that this is how it must be.

Related imageWhen are we going to start raising our daughters and our sons to value more than looks, more than clothing, more than sex?


There is so much more to treasure in a relationship when both people truly respect and Image result for cartoons about loyalty and being faithfulhonor the other above themselves. When the fire has died down, what is left to hold on to if not these things? And yes, it takes work and commitment. The  realization that nothing is perfect, including themselves, needs to be stressed by parents, teachers, and the church. That a good relationship is worth fighting for, and more importantly, living for. Especially when times are hard and walking out seems easy.


TImage result for cartoons about loyalty and being faithfulhe young need to know that it takes time to know one another, to become friends, have discussions on dreams, values, goals, all the important things, and the little things that make each of us crazy. It takes a willingness to forgive, to be kind, to be understanding, and knowing that being “right” isn’t really all that important in the grand scheme of things. Supporting one another is first and loyalty to each other comes above everyone else – be it family or friends.



Honesty and the willingness to be Image result for cartoons about cheatingfaithful is vital for any relationship. “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” is truth! If by some miracle a man leaves his wife or a wife leaves her husband for you, he/she will in all probability, cheat on you too. That is reality. How can you love someone you can’t trust? How can you trust someone you know to be a liar and a cheat?

Saying all that, I realize that a drastic change in the way we view each other, our morals, and values must happen or we will be doomed to continue this downward spiral. We must, as a society, put value on the morals we learned as children. Sex before marriage is wrong. Hate is wrong. Condemnation is wrong.

When God says “Don’t”, He is really saying, “Don’t hurt yourselves.”

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Warmer Days…

Related imageToday, I have actually gone outside sans two sweaters, coat, scarf, and gloves. I feel so free! This is just a teaser, of course. Just a hint of warm spring days to come. Looking over my dead, wilted foliage is enough to tell me, “Don’t get too comfortable, my dear. The groundhog didn’t just see his shadow; it caused him to run screaming for his burrow.”

Seeing all the news reports of huge mounds of snow that are in reality people’s buried cars. Dark snow swirling in gusts of wind as people strain on frozen walks towards their destinations. Just looking makes my bones hurt and my hands curl in defense. Old man winter is a cruel master.

The furfaces and I have lost no opportunity to walk the yard, through patches of damp mud left from the last freeze. Sun shining and more seed thrown out for the birds to feast on after my bad dogs are once more put inside. Squirrels waiting their turn too. Hardly any wind to drop the temps or my enthusiasm. Oh, for a hammock!

So I will content myself with this day, knowing that despite the cold to come, spring will bloom eventually.



Cold, Cold, Go Away….


Did my monthly shopping trip to Walmart today. Had planned for yesterday, but I just couldn’t face the dark, dreariness of the day mixed with gusting winds and COLD. It was certainly cold today, but at least the sun was bright as I huddled against the wind. Did I mention that I loathe the cold, especially with wind thrown in to make the chill 20 degrees colder?

The sweetest little old lady was in line behind me as I waited to check out. Seeing that she had only a few items, I insisted she go ahead of my overflowing basket. She was actually more blind than I am (that was a shock!), so I also helped her use her card when the cashier had finished ringing up her items. She tottered away with her friend, tiny and frail the both of them – my future, not very distant anymore.

My book, which I had decided to make some major changes to, disappeared from my documents – after I had let Brandon use my computer. I had already found a few major changes to my settings and corrected them. So, I am starting over from scratch…sigh. You really can’t blame a six year old when you’re the idiot that let him use it in the first place, now can you?

Jack’s barking hasn’t stopped yet, but it has certainly slowed. Happy days are just in sight!



Going through old pictures, I came across this one of Jack as a pup, chewing on my Bella’s ear.

jack bella

Jack was only a few months old and already living up to his name, Jack the Ripper. Bella, sweet girl, was patiently enduring her ear being chewed…or maybe she is still napping. She was a champion napper. I can’t remember, except the picture was too cute not to be captured.

It makes me smile and breaks my heart at the same time. She was dearly loved and so dearly missed.

Goofy, funny, forever destroying blankets and pillows, and pushing me out of bed. She loved cats, puppies, and bunnies. She was a gentle soul in most ways. She didn’t just eat her food; she CHOMPED it. There was always a puddle left when she drank water from drool running from her lips. She would sit, great head raised high, and survey her domain – looking much like the dog guarding sheep as Wylie tried to sneak one from the flock.

Bella, my sweet girl, you were a great light in my life – it is much less bright without you.